Monday, May 13, 2013

And The End.

Well, it happened. After those long and tedious hours of work, I finally felt confident stepping foot into that AP Exam. The multiple choice seemed sort of harder than I thought it would be. I mean I have always been bad at those type of questions when it comes to Lit, just because.... ? But, once I got to the essays I felt a little better, well alot better since the first essay was very easy. Second was a challange, and third was kinda ironic. Besides that, I think the best activity that helped me prepare for this exam was probably the essays that we got to pick ourselves (3 of them) and make outlines of. I don't know if that worked for everyone, but  I ended up using one of the outlines I had worked on for class, which helped me review the book for the exam. It really was good review. Also, the charts are tedious but they do really help out when you try to go back and hit the main points of each novel. I am pretty sure I passed this exam and I feel as if I have grown as a writer, even if my blogs don't prove it. Cheers to a good year!

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